We’ve gone and curated the best content on the web and added it to the great articles and videos published by the Tari community and brought it together to form TariLabs University.

Our team has collected resources into courses that you can consume in a linear fashion and build up your knowledge as you would in any online course.

Or you can dive straight into the subject areas that interest you and cut through the courses following themes such as cryptography or economics.

Finally, do you know more than us? Is there something missing here that should be added? Boy, are we happy to see you! TLU is 100% open source and we’d love to consider your corrections, suggestions or even complete articles or videos for inclusion on TLU.

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Learning Paths

With a field that is rapidly developing it is very important to stay updated with the latest trends, protocols and products that have incorporated this technology.


The purpose of cryptography is to protect data transmitted in the likely presence of an adversary

Consensus Mechanisms

Consensus mechanisms are crucial for a blockchain in order to function correctly


The blockchain scalability problem refers to the discussion concerning the limits on the transaction throughput.


The blockchain scalability problem refers to the discussion concerning the limits on the transaction throughput.

Digital Assets

All digital assets provide value, but not all digital assets are valued equally

Blockchain-related Protocols

Users often take blockchain protocols for granted when analyzing the potential of a cryptocurrency. The different blockchain protocols used can play a prominent role in the success of a cryptocurrency.

Network Analysis

As networks with large numbers of geographically distributed nodes evolve, issues such as processing delays and data transfers may arise, potentially creating an environment for adversarial attacks.

TLU Labs

As networks with large numbers of geographically distributed nodes evolve, issues such as processing delays and data transfers may arise, potentially creating an environment for adversarial attacks.

Style Guide

The purpose of this Style Guide is to provide contributors reports with standards for content and layout.

Digital Assets

All digital assets provide value, but not all digital assets are valued equally