Cryptography is one of the core technologies that enable blockchain systems. Get going with the basics. The content for this course is largely taken from seminars presetned at Tari Labs in 2018 and 2019.
Audience: Developers
Time to complete: 2 hours
What you'll learn
- Understand elliptic curve cryptography (ECC)
- Understand how digital signatures work and how they relate to ECC
- Start to dig into more advanced topics to that will help demystify how Mimblewimble works
Module 1:
A non-scary introduction to Elliptic Curves
This is a very brief overview of how elliptic curves work.
Module 2:
Introduction to Schnorr Signatures
Private-public key pairs are the cornerstone of much of the cryptographic security underlying everything from secure web browsing to banking to cryptocurrencies.
Module 3:
Fraud Proofs and SPV (Lightweight) Clients - Easier Said than Done?
How do you prove, using cryptography, that someone broke the rules?
Module 4:
Introduction to Scriptless Scripts
Scriptless Scripts are a means to execute smart contracts off-chain, through the use of Schnorr signatures.
Module 5:
The MuSig Schnorr Signature Scheme
This report investigates Schnorr Multi-Signature Schemes (MuSig), which make use of key aggregation and are provably secure in the *plain public-key model*.
Module 6:
Pure-Rust Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Fast, Safe, Pure-Rust Elliptic Curve Cryptography by Isis Lovecruft & Henry De Valence.